I See London, I See France...A Voyage To India and Back

Hello friends, Canadians and cityfolk! This is my first attempt at blogging my life over the next two months as I make my way across the world and back...Let the adventure commence!

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Location: Canada

City-lady constantly seeking innovative ways to motivate myself to get and stay in shape intellectually, emotionally and physically.

05 November 2006

Goodbye Chennai, Hello Delhi!!

Pondicherry, Pondy, or Puducherr(i/y)...whatever the heck it's called was nice. I think I talked a little bit about it already so Ill just update you on the last bit of our stay there. We visited the Sri Aurobindo Ashram where hundreds of people come from all over to follow the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and "The Mother", the Paris-born companion of Mr. Aurobindo. Sh is notorious for her hugs...we did not get the chance to hug her since she is dead. So much for better late than never eh! I picked up some nice little gifties for a few people there, adding to my ever growing stockpile which Ryan and I have decided to send home in Delhi sinc we can't handle lugging so much around anymore.

We got back to Chennai without a hitch. However, I have the unfortunate duty to report that this is by far our least favorite city yet. Let me tell ya why...

Well, from the day we got here until right now (at the train station waiting anxiously for our two-day ride to Delhi) we have met the rudest men, the most scammers- mainly in the form of autorickshaw drivers, but also as not-so-innocent child labourers working at our hotel who constantly try to find ways to make us tip them- and the dirtiest city with regard to air pollution. I am determined to buy a mask before continuing on with this trip because this cough just keeps getting worse.

Perhaps our opinion of the city would have changed had we done any sight seeing here (which we intended to do) but the ridiculously overcharging drivers combined with the sheer size of this city made it a task mor daunting than tempting. We were on our way to see things and we stopped to buy some saris and books for our long journey, but after arguing over the cost of our ride with the driver for the umpteenth time, we were so frustrated we just went back to grunt in our hotel room and wait for our train.

So, moral is, if you're in Chennai, save up some rupees so that you're prepared to be ripped off, and go see some of the wonderful sights we missed and tell us about them. We'll be happily visiting somewhere else :)

I won't be posting for a few days but fret not, I will be reading either "Night" by Elie Weisel, "Nine Stories" by Salinger, "No Onions Nor Garlic" by an Indo-Canadian author whose name I'v forgotten, or taking beautiful pictures of the scenery from here to Delhi as seen from a traincardoor.

Can't wait to talk to you all once Im on the other side of the country.
Did I mention I bought two beautiful saris...hopefully mommy will like one of them! I know daddy will!