I See London, I See France...A Voyage To India and Back

Hello friends, Canadians and cityfolk! This is my first attempt at blogging my life over the next two months as I make my way across the world and back...Let the adventure commence!

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Location: Canada

City-lady constantly seeking innovative ways to motivate myself to get and stay in shape intellectually, emotionally and physically.

04 January 2007

Happy 2007: Unloaded

I was looking at my blog, reminiscing, and thought: what could I possibly squeeze out of my brain for another blog entry, for myself of course. This is what I came up with, I'm warning anyone who reads this, it's not very interesting probably.

All I wanted to say is that I have finally distributed all of my gifts. Yay. Slowly my life is starting to fall back into normalcy, yet, this isn't my life. I am in transition. Constantly moving from one place to the next. All I am waiting for is a home.

So, I have begun my job search and plan to be in Montreal for good by february, with or without employment. Wish me lots of luck.

I have felt very scattered since my return, mainly because I have mixed feelings about everything right now: sad to be home, happy to be home, happy to see family and friends, missing being "away", loving toronto but wanting to be in montreal, and missing toronto since Im stuck in oakville. I feel neither here nor there (that one's for you Ryno).

I will be happy when I am starting work and have settled into an apartment in Montreal where I will live for at least a couple years before leaving to Ottawa for my masters for one year.

anyway, not much to say aside from that I was so happy to spend time with my boys and my girls in Quebec City this new years. You are all great people and Im glad I know you.

Love Leanne