I See London, I See France...A Voyage To India and Back

Hello friends, Canadians and cityfolk! This is my first attempt at blogging my life over the next two months as I make my way across the world and back...Let the adventure commence!

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Location: Canada

City-lady constantly seeking innovative ways to motivate myself to get and stay in shape intellectually, emotionally and physically.

31 October 2006

Atheists for Silence

I've lived long enough to know this about myself: I need silence.

In India there is a severe shortage of silence in general. However, if you are so lucky as to adhere to any religion, then you have the luxury here of a choice of thousands of mosques, temples and churches to visit, where you, my holy friend, may find peace.

But where am I to go?

I have given this some thought, though not much thought because my brain hardly has a second to process anything amid the crashing waves of noise that contsantly abuse me, and I have realized that there is nowhere for non-believers to go to meditate, in other words, we have no mute button.

The library, you may have thought, could be a place for us, but we all know everybody fights the silence there.

So this is my solution. I am starting a movement called Atheists for Silence, in India and other sonically overwhelming places. I would love to create a place where we can go to celebrate silence. Unlike many holy places though, there is only one rule. I do not care what you wear, who you swore at, or who you've killed, I only care that you make the least amount of noise humanly possible. It will not be taboo to not acknowledge the people in this place, because it would be understood that we are all appreciating our solitude, together.

So who's in?
(the statements made in this entry are based on actual fact but the Atheists for Silence movement is purely fiction...please do not react)